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Emsculpt Neo

Emsculpt NeoEmsculpt Neo is latest ground breaking technology for non-surgical fat reduction and muscle building. It combines muscle toning energy called HIFEM and fat burning with RF in one treatment. If you want to reduce fat and tone your muscles fast, Emsculpt Neo is simply the best method. It has been tested FDA approved to reduce fat by 30% and build muscle by 25% in just 4 sessions!


This device is completely safe and without any complications. It uses High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) and RadioFrequency energy to stimulate and build muscle while burning fat.

Is Emsculpt Neo invasive?

  • No surgery
  • No downtime
  • N0 sweat required


What is the difference between Emsculpt Neo and Emsculpt

Emsculpt Neo is basically Emsculpt plus more energy and RF for fat burning. Both are from the same company and still work very well. Both Emsculpt Neo and Emsculpt builds muscle by stimulating supramaximal muscle contractions to build muscle which then burns fat. Emsculpt Neo add RF to burn more fat and tighten skin.

One treatment can be compared to performing the equivalent of 20,000 abdominal crunches. Men and women can benefit from this treatment.


Which part of the body can Emsculpt Neo be used?

Which part of the body can Emsculpt Neo be used?

Emsculpt Neo can be used to enhance the arms, abdomen, buttocks and calves.

What is the cost of Emsculpt

The Emsculpt cost at our MedSpa is $850-1000 per session.  Four treatments sessions are recommended for the best results. The total cost is $3500-$4000.


Are my results permanent?

Emsculpt Neo is like going to the Gym without the sweat. Studies and experience show that results are long lasting.

The fat loss is permanent, but muscle tone is dependent on your lifestyle and exercise routine after treatment. You can maintain your result by yourself at the gym and with good diet and exercise. Most people join our Emsculpt Neo club for maintenance. We recommend periodic maintenance every 3 months

If you do nothing, we expect your results to last about 1 year.


How many treatments do I need?

Studies show that Four (4) treatments sessions a week apart are recommended for the best results. Each session last about 30 minutes. Sessions are separated 5-7 days apart. Most people undergo 1 sessions per week for 4 weeks.


How does it work?

How Emsculpt Neo worksIt combines muscle toning energy called HIFEM and fat burning with RF in one treatment. If you want to reduce fat and tone your muscles fast, Emsculpt Neo is simply the best method. It has been tested FDA approved to reduce fat by 30% and build muscle by 25% in just 4 sessions!





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